ENG WG 1 Task plan

Meaning of symbols for sessions :

v + x > <
Scheduled Progressed Not progressed Finalised On hold
Standard Topic Area Task no. Task 17181920212223 Status (Text) Status (Color) Task leader Remarks
Leading : ENG
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.2 Aids to Navigation planning 1.2.2 Review relevant sections of the NAVGUIDE
Not started
S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery S1020.2 Design, Implementation & Maintenance 2.2.4 Update G1037 Data collection for AtoN performance calculation +v In Progress
On track
Leading : ENG WG 1
S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning And Service Requirements S1010.1 Obligations and regulatory compilance 1.1.1 Consider developing guidance on the certification of technical equipment, information systems and technical infrastructure related to MASS in the domain of IALA
Not started
S1010.2 Aids to Navigation planning 1.2.1 Compile new Guideline on AtoN Tender requirementsand specification - Led by ARM with ENG support. + v
On track
Aw Eng Soon
1.2.3 Develop guidance on the provision of Marine AtoN for autonomous vehicle/vessel operations (Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship, MASS).
Not started
S1010.4 Risk management 1.4.1 Develop guidance on cyber security for Marine AtoN
Not started
S1020 Marine Aids to Navigation Design and Delivery S1020.1 Aids to Navigation signalling 2.1.1 Update G1043 Light sources used in visual AtoN v v v
Not started
Lingyan Wang
2.1.2 Update G1048 LED technologies and their use in signal lights v v v
Not started
Lingyan Wang
2.1.3 Develop guideline on Port Traffic Signals ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
Not started
Lingyan Wang
2.1.4 Update R0112 Leading lights v + + v v
On track
Sarah Robinson
2.1.5 Update G1061 Light application illumination of structures v v
Not started
Lingyan Wang
S1020.2 Design, Implementation & Maintenance 2.2.3 Update G1041 Sector Lights v v
Not started
Link Powell
2.1.6 Update R0203(E200-3) + + + v v This task is on-gonging since ENG17.
On track
Lingyan Wang
2.2.5 Update G1077 Maintenance of AtoN v v v v
On track
Chris Scully
2.2.6 Develop Guideline on complimentary use of AtoN v v v v
On track
2.2.7 Update and Amalgamate the Guidelines G1108,G1175 and G1136 v v > Complete
On track
S1020.3 Floating Aids to Navigation 2.5.1 Develop guidance on floating AtoN maintenance + v v On Track
On track
Greg Hansen
2.3.2 Creating an overview guidance on floating AtoN + + > >
On track
Gillian Burns
2.3.3 Update Recommendation R0107 (E-107) Moorings for floating AtoN v v v v
On track
Pierre-Luc Delage
2.3.4 Update G1066 Design of floating AtoN moorings v v v v
On track
Pierre-Luc Delage
S1020.4 Environment and sustainability 2.4.1 Review and update as necessary G1036, the Green Guide v
Not started
2.4.2 Guidance on through life environmental impact v
Not started
S1050 Training and Certification S1050.1 Training and assessment 5.1.2 Training in implementation of digital solutions (data analytics & maritime informatics)
Not started
5.1.1 WWA lesson plans to review
Not started
S1060 Digital Communication Technologies S1060.3 Harmonised maritime connectivity 6.3.1 Update G1008 Remote control and monitoring of AtoN ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ v v v
Not started
Jonas Lindberg